Thursday, January 15, 2009

How long will I break til I shatter??

First week of school is finished! I'm so happy, a lot more work than I had originally anticipated. It will all pay off in the end though.

As far as my classes go I only have two this semester, but I'm really happy that I only took two just to ease into things. I have Business Math and Psychology. My math teacher, he is extremely mono-toned and really dull. So in order to stay awake I have taken THE most detailed notes I've ever taken in my life. On the other hand, my psychology class is amazing. The teacher really relates to us and he's really very entertaining. Granted I do a lot of homework with notes and everything, but that's just because I really want to do well.

In the news today, I heard about the plane crash in NYC it was on it's way to North Carolina and apparently it hit a flock of geese. I know I shouldn't laugh but, the circumstance is quite funny. Although it is not certain or has been verified many spectators say that most if not all survived.

Things have definitely been getting better, or at least I like to think so. There are just somedays where I just get really down on myself. I'm sure we all have days like that. A few weeks ago I was feeling like this for like days at a time. I think I found the solution to that, and have corrected the problem. I am much happier, and I feel like people genuinly care for me, and care that I'm actually. I'm not trying to be or soud emo. PINKIE PROMISE. At least things seem to be getting better. And that's all I can really ask for.

If you have ever watched my YouTube channel you will have seen me ranting about the weather. Mainly the fact that is was in the upper 60's and lower 70's. This week all of that changed dramatically. The current temperature is 10 degrees... with a windchill of -2. Even though it's really cold... really really cold. I like this weather. The fact that I can come home sit on the couch with my blanky and some hot chocolate and just watch a movie or TV, that just sounds so enticing. And since the "Snuggie" info-mercials have been airing... evertime I see that, I think I NEED one! I know I don't, and I don't have to urge to look like a monk while trying to relax... I guess in the end it's just the comfort of being safe and warm that always makes me feel better.

"We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness." ~David Weatherford

-Tracey :D

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