Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Get By With A little Help From My Friends

Well these past two days have been pretty much amazing! For once I'm not even being sarcastic.

Tuesday night Jessie and I left to go visit our friend Ellerie, we all graduated together and not to mention she is freaking awesome and she can draw like no other. Ellerie moved away about a year ago. We got there around 9:00 pm. And of course the first thing we did was hug everyone! One of their family friends had also come into town to visit. He showed us (Ellerie, Andy, Jessie, and myself) some wicked awesome dance moves. For your information I am a terrible dancer. I ended up dancing with Ellerie's brother, it wasn't so bad but dancing is definitely not my cup of tea. Wednesday Jessie made Italian meatballs and spaghetti and of course quite possibly the best garlic bread I have had my entire life. That night we played board games, Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution, as well as talked a lot. They really helped to open my eyes about quite a few things that had been bothering me. Of course, I must repeat Ellerie's profound words, "Punch them in the face and tell them to shut the fuck up."

I am glad to be back home though. It was nice, but nothing is better than my own bed, in my own room.

I can't believe I start school on Tuesday, I'm nervous and excited. At least I have Jessie with me in my first class thank goodness!

"I get by with a little help from my friends," ~ John Lennon

-Tracey :D

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