Monday, January 12, 2009

Where Would I End Up?

Well the thing that has been driving me crazy for the past week or so, has finally been solved. We broke up, but for the most part it was mutual. I think we both just rushed into it. I hope things don't end up like super weird between us. When we were "dating" it was more like we were just friends anyway, so hopefully things don't change.

Upcoming things: SCHOOL. I'm super nervous. What if I have gone retarded, and I don't remember how to do anything, luckily my first class Jessie is with me so that will make it a lot better. Since it's Business Mathematics, we can totally help each other. The other class I am taking is Psychology I'm excited about that one, I don't think I'll have too much of a problem with that. I took a Psychology class my senior year and I really enjoyed it.

The past few months I have been questioning not just my religion but religion in general. I do believe there is a God, and Heaven and Hell. So I guess I'm technically questioning how exactly, and what determines where you will eventually end up. I have a really hard time believing that if God as great and as powerful as he is that he would send someone who was a morally good person, someone who never did anything wrong, and was a good person at heart but didn't always attend church, that he would send them into the burning abyss that is hell. I just can't picture that. I guess I have some "soul searching" to do.

Off of my religion soap box.

"If we only have the will to walk, then God is pleased with our stumbles." ~ C S Lewis

-Tracey :D

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