Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Ughh... I woke up this morning and I felt like crap. Well I still do feel really crappy. I'm tired, my throat hurts, and I'm really achy.

So since I woke up this way of course I didn't go "Kick it with Jesus" as my usual Sunday ritual. But instead spent all day on the couch: reading, watching movies, and TV, and of course my mommy made me soup. How much better could my day get!! Though I do still feel significantly better from this morning so that's good!

I talked to Jessie today... well texted, because lets face it texting is the new language. Everyone uses it, and it's probably not the best way to communicate, especially in relationships, but that's another story I really don't want to get into right now, but texting is extremely convenient and isn't that what our society is made up of. Convenice? Now to get off of my soap box. She wants me to go visit our friend Ellerie this week. We would leave on Monday afternoon, and come back on Wednesday. I'm totally up for it! And I think my mom is actually going to let me go, so WOOT! Hopefully spending this time with Jessie and Ellerie will help me take my mind off of certain problems and things that have been weighing on my mind, or at least help me decide what I should do in this situation.

Although I am happy. :) I posted a YouTube video yesterday ranting about the weather, and how irritated I was because it was 71 degrees outside. I am happy to report that the current temperature is 28 degrees! I'm pretty sure that there is snow possible in the upcoming forcast! I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed.

"For age is opportunity no less Than youth itself, though in another dress, And as the evening twilight fades away The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day. " ~ Henry Longfellow

-Tracey :D

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